Monday, September 29, 2008

Celebrating the Freedom to Read
Banned Books Week: Sept. 27 - ­Oct. 4, 2008

Nicholson Library joins libraries across the nation each year to celebrate
the freedom to read. The annual "Banned Books Week" event focuses on
censorship attempts in order to illuminate the actions taken by groups and
individuals who would like to make ideas with which they disagree, or which
make them uncomfortable, unavailable to others. It is often surprising to
learn that favorite and important books have been targets of would-be
censors, and it is interesting to read some of the reasons people have tried
to ban books.

2007 American Library Association list of most challenged books

I am pleased to report that our library owns all of the 'banned' books on
that list (and many more!). Please visit our display in the library's avenue and check out some
dangerous books! (We will leave our display up throughout most of the month of October)
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